Making Friends in Muludja

Successfully engaging children in communities requires building trust. Consistency and reliability are key.

Muludja is only 30 minutes from Fitzroy Crossing in the Kimberley, but receives very few outside services.  Due to COVID and funding restrictions, we hadn't been able to visit for some years until March 2023.  On the first morning some children participated in the sessions but were hesitant to interact with the Fair Game team.  

Since then Fair Game have run school holiday programs in Muludja on multiple mornings during every school holiday.

Each time more children came along.  Even older teenagers, who the principal identified as 'never coming to school', were regularly joining in.  

This July, Fair Game's car was greeted at the school gates by a crowd of children with some parents and elders, shouting "FAIR GAME IS HERE!"

Every child present in the community - including teenagers - joined in the sessions.  The kids know that they can rely on Fair Game being there each holiday.  They love that they recognise our Trip Leads who know their names.  

Enthusiasm to participate is immediate and means children are more receptive as health promotion messaging is introduced.

Your support helps to ensure we can continue regular program delivery which maximises our impact.


Footy boots drive positive engagement in the Pilbara


Engagement with the kids is awesome!